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Rerouting a Sewer Line
Monday, May 6, 2024
/ Categories: Mansfield Job Sites

Rerouting a Sewer Line

Had to reroute a sewer line at this home. In the pictures we left the new line plugged until we go back to finish the indoor plumbing. The old sewer line was cast iron under ground and has corroded away and was under an addition and was not able to be dug up. Now we have a new line to the tank with a new baffle and everything is working great.

Roots Are A Problem!

0 1073

Roots Are A Problem!

This isn’t the largest root we have ever removed but it’s definitely worth noting. We pulled this beauty out last night on an emergency call.

Backed Up Sewer

0 1097

Backed Up Sewer

The customer’s sewer line has been backing up every year for a few years. They were using someone else who was snaking the line to get it unplugged. After a referral they gave us a call.

Lift Station Rebuild

0 1171

Lift Station Rebuild

This is a lift station rebuild we did this week. The old plumbing was corroded and causing the check valves to stick....