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Orangeburgh Pipe Replacement
Thursday, February 1, 2024
/ Categories: Mansfield Job Sites

Orangeburgh Pipe Replacement

A city sewer line had collapsed under the state highway. The original pipe that was installed was orangeburgh pipe. Orangeburgh pipe was a resin and pulp made pipe that was used until the 1970’s. When brand new it looked like black plastic. It is notorious for failing. It was dug, replaced, and reconnected to the city mains sewer tap.

Sewer Repair

0 481

Sewer Repair

Another sewer repair in Grove City

Roots Are A Problem!

0 631

Roots Are A Problem!

This isn’t the largest root we have ever removed but it’s definitely worth noting. We pulled this beauty out last night on an emergency call.

Backed Up Sewer

0 649

Backed Up Sewer

The customer’s sewer line has been backing up every year for a few years. They were using someone else who was snaking the line to get it unplugged. After a referral they gave us a call.